Last week we got a great question from Lebanon. After the excitement of our international reach wore off, we got right to it.
The pre-pandemic solution:
This is likely the most simple solution, but also not the most sanitary.
Simply stick your finger in your mouth, and get a little saliva to rub on the part of your cigar that is burning too quickly.
This obviously will trigger the CDC and WHO right now, so may not be the best solution in current situations, but we are not here to judge.
It may be your fault:
A lot of times, an uneven burn can be cause by your initial light. So take your time before the first draw and make sure to light your stick evenly.
Another self-inflicted cause can be from an over-packed humidor.
If there isn’t sufficient air flow in your humidor, the humidification source may be causing one side of your cigars to over humidify, and leave you predisposed to an uneven burn.
To combat this, make sure you leave some room for your cigars to breathe, and rotate your stock periodically.
Speaking of rotation..:
Rotating your cigar as you smoke it will also help keep an even burn for the duration of your stick.
Most of us don’t need to do anything consciously to make sure we do this, but if you always smoke label up, and are regularly dealing with an uneven burn, its time to switch up your style.
If you’ve got your own cigar related questions, send them on in to [email protected]; we’ll pick out our favorite and feature it on the next show!