As the popularity of online dating increases, when should the occasional cigar smoker include smoking in their profile? Here’s what the guys had to say about the topic in our last episode.
There is a bit of a subjective nature to this question.
What we do agree on, is that the “are you a smoker” checkbox is reserved for cigarette smokers. Save the cigars for your bio.
Magee thinks the occasional, celebratory cigar needs no preface in your dating profile.
Instead, he recommends disclosing this information on the first date.
However, if you smoke multiple cigars a week he says to throw the info into your bio, and downplay your usage with phrases like: “a couple” or “a few.”
Cornelius has a more candid approach to the dating profile debate.
Cornelius recommends full transparency in your profile.
The last thing you want to do, is end up on a perfect date, just to have it end because she (or he) feels misled.
What are your thoughts on the subject? Let us know in the comments, and send your own cigar related questions to [email protected].